802 research outputs found

    Primer hilo musical después de la guerra: el circuito perifónico de José Val del Omar en Valencia

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    La obra del granadino José Val del Omar (1904-1982), cineasta e inventor entre un largo etcétera de ocupaciones, fue tan genial y visionaria como sistemáticamente desatendida durante su vida. En los últimos años ha sido objeto de un proceso de investigación y recuperación que ha culminado con una importante exposición en el Centro José Guerrero de Granada y el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía entre 2010 y 2011. Aprovechando la actualidad de su figura, este artículo se ocupa de un proyecto desarrollado por Val del Omar en Valencia en la inmediata posguerra civil: el Circuito Perifónico. Un circuito urbano de altavoces, pionero en España, que llevaba a los puntos más importantes de la ciudad emisiones musicales con las que entretener a las gentes además de una divertida publicidad que ayudó a animar la vida económica de la ciudad. El texto se justifica también como recuperación de una parte perdida de la historia de la ciudad y de un posible precedente del moderno arte sonoro. Se trabaja especialmente la génesis, desarrollo y funcionamiento del proyecto a la luz de nuevos documentos hallados en el archivo familiar del hijo de un colaborador de Val del Omar.The work of Granada-born José Val del Omar (1904-1982), filmmaker and inventor among a long list of other occupations, was as great and visionary as it was systematically neglected during his lifetime. In recent years he has been the subject of investigation and a recovery process that has culminated in a major exhibition at Centro José Guerrero in Granada and Museo Nacional Centro de arte Reina Sofía between 2010 and 2011. Taking advantage of the topicality of his figure, this article is about a project undertaken by Val del Omar in Valencia in the immediate post Civil War period: the Circuito Perifónico. It was a pioneer speakers street circuit in Spain that broadcast music, with which to entertain people, and funny ads that helped to encourage the city’s economy. Also, the text is justified by the recovery of part of the city’s lost history and as a possible forerunner of modern sound art. The article specifically deals with the genesis, development and operation of the project arising from new documents found in the family archives of the son of one of Val del Omar’s collaborator

    Cooperative R&D with Endogenous Technology Differentiation

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    The choice of a particular technology when there is a set of them available to firms has not appeared in the R&D literature yet. We show some examples and present a model in which firms choose their technologies from a continuum of available profiles and the resulting spillovers depend on the compatibility among firms' R&D technologies. Our results indicate that non-cooperating firms are interested in using the same or very similar technologies. Therefore firms seek to establish coordination mechanisms such as patent pools or Research Joint Ventures. A RJV leads to higher levels of social welfare than patent pools or the non-cooperative case.r&d rjv patent pools cooperation

    An experiment on subjective game valuations

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    We report experimental results on a prisoners' dilemma implemented in a way which allows us to elicit incentive-compatible valuations of the game. We test the hypothesis that players'' valuations coincide with their Nash equilibrium earnings. Our results offer significantly less support for this hypothesis than for the prediction of Dominant Strategy (DS) play.

    Los discursos sobre la emigración española en perspectiva comparada. Principios del siglo XX- principios del siglo XXI

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    En este texto comparamos el presente y el pasado de las construcciones discursivas sobre la emigración española exterior, con el fin de revisar en perspectiva histórica las consecuencias de la imposición de ciertos argumentos en la visión general del hecho migratorio y en las decisiones de los actores sociales. La incertidumbre sobre las cifras de salidas, la postura de los gobiernos y las diversas reacciones en la opinión pública son algunas de las cuestiones que se examinan, tanto en la gran diáspora migratoria de fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX como en la nueva ola que está empezando a desarrollarse en los albores del siglo XXI.In this text we compare the present and the past of the discourse constructions about foreign Spanish emigration, in order to analyze the consequences of the imposition of some arguments in the overview about migration and the decisions of the social actors in historical perspective. Uncertainty about the numbers of departures, the position of the Governments and the different reactions in public opinion are some of the issues discussed, both great migratory diaspora of the nineteenth and early twentieth century and in the new wave that is beginning to develop in the dawn of 21st century

    Análisis gráfico y estructural para el conocimiento del patrimonio arquitectónico antiguo: el caso de la torre del poblado ibérico de Rochina

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    [EN] The survey of the real geometries of historical constructions and their graphic analysis becomes essential in the knowledge of past cultures, especially when there are no documentary references or architectural parallels to rely on. The study of the missing elevations of the tower in the Iberian settlement of Rochina can help to understand a way of building in the protohistoric period thanks to theoretical and justified three-dimensional tower recreations and their corresponding evaluations in terms of structural behaviour.[ES] El levantamiento de las geometrías reales de las construcciones históricas y su análisis gráfico se hace imprescindible en el conocimiento de culturas pasadas, y más cuando no existen referencias documentales ni paralelismos arquitectónicos donde apoyarse. El estudio de los desaparecidos alzados de la torre del poblado ibérico de Rochina puede ayudar a entender un modo de construir en época protohistórica gracias a la elaboración de recreaciones tridimensionales teóricas de torres previamente justificadas y sus correspondientes evaluaciones en cuanto al comportamiento estructural.Alonso Durá, A.; Llop Gil, JV. (2022). Graphic and structural analysis for the knowledge of ancient architectural heritage: the case of the tower in the Iberian settlement of Rochina. EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación. (17):43-55. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2022.1903143551

    Prematuridade e responsabilidade familiar das raparigas monçambicanas

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    A falta de educação sexual adequada, associada à pressão familiar para assumir responsabilidades familiares e outros factores culturais estão na origem de casamentos prematuros, forçados e gravidezes precoces. Desta forma, nos últimos anos aumentaram campanhas de educação sexual e reprodutivas das raparigas e o seu regresso à escola , nas quais se ajuda as jovens a resolverem as dúvidas que têm sobre a sexualidade, os anticonceptivos, as doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, etc. Embora a média da idade para se ter um filho se situe por volta dos 20 anos nas mulheres, em Moçambique aumentam as gravidezes de raparigas com menos de 14 anos. A gravidez prematura e as responsabilidades assumidas pelas raparigas em Moçambique são sempre difíceis de assimilar e com consequências graves para a saúde e desenvolvimento psicológico delas


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     Os conceitos de “identidade nacional” e “identidade do conceito” já foram alvo de debates, muitos estudos e reflexões. Aqui, trata-se do lugar de pertença. Sentimento de pertença a um grupo e a uma terra. É uma forma de expressão da identidade Étnica e da territorialidade. Pretende-se nesta pesquisa discutir algumas matrizes teóricas sobre desafios de Moçambique na construção de identidade e formação do Homem novo. A fim de analisar a construção do projeto político e ideológico da FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique), discutir a maneira como as identidades culturais e as heranças do período colonial e racista são contrapostas com especial destaque para o projeto de criação do Homem Novo no país, através de uma leitura da unidade nacional. A abordagem é qualitativa com aporte do método histórico-dedutivo. Acredita-se que a pesquisa possa colaborar na reflexão e discussão relativa aos desafios na construção da identidade moçambicana e formação do homem novo. 

    Near-field electromagnetic wave scattering from random self-affine fractal metal surfaces: Spectral dependence of local field enhancements and their statistics in connection with surface-enhanced Raman scattering

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    11 págs.; 10 figs.By means of rigorous numerical simulation calculations based on the Green's theorem integral equation formulation, we study the near electromagnetic field in the vicinity of very rough, one-dimensional self-affine fractal surfaces of Ag, Au, and Cu (for both vacuum and water propagating media) illuminated by a p-polarized field. Strongly localized enhanced optical excitations (hot spots) are found, with electric field intensity enhancements of close to 4 orders of magnitude and widths below a tenth of the incoming wavelength. These effects are produced by the roughness-induced surface-plasmon polariton excitation. We study the characteristics of these optical excitations as well as other properties of the surface electromagnetic field, such as its statistics (probability density function, average, and fluctuations), and their dependence on the excitation spectrum (in the visible and near-infrared regions). Our study is relevant to the use of self-affine fractals as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates, where large local and average field enhancements are desired. ©2000 American Physical SocietyThis work was supported by the Spanish Dirección General de Ensenñanza Superior e Investigación Científica y Técnica, through Grant No. PB97-1221. We also thank the Mexican-Spanish CONACYT-CSIC program for partial travel support.Peer Reviewe

    ¿Música o magia? La presentación de las ondas musicales de Maurice Martenot en España

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    On 1928, the French musician Maurice Martenot presented at Paris Opera a new electronic musical instrument which he called musical waves. It had success like only a few and attracted the interest of the composers, Martenot strove to spread it with a initial tour that took it all around the world between 1931 and 1932. From the information given by the press –because there are not more references– this article aims to rebuild the presentation of the instrument in Spain all along 1932, to report about the reception by the review and to justify the mystery that involved the instrument because of its unknown electronic running and its performance only with the hands movement on the air.<br><br>En 1928, el músico francés Maurice Martenot presentó un nuevo instrumento musical electrónico en la Ópera de París al que llamó ondas musicales. Siendo uno de los pocos que gozó de éxito y que atrajo para sí la atención de los compositores, Martenot puso todo el empeño en su difusión ya desde una gira inicial que le llevó por todo el mundo entre 1931 y 1932. A partir de la información brindada por la prensa –pues no existen más referencias– este artículo pretende reconstruir la presentación del instrumento en España a lo largo de 1932, dar cuenta de la recepción por parte de la crítica y justificar cierto halo de misterio que lo envolvió tanto por su desconocido funcionamiento electrónico como por su forma de interpretarse solo con el movimiento de las manos en el espacio